The Electronic Ministry Finds a Home Online by Mitch Lemus
Yet another newcomer to the information highway is online, and this time, paving a detour to the heavens. The Ministry of Faith Broadcasting Network has unveiled a new interactive service called PiousNet -- "the Internet's direct line to God." The service, a joint venture with the Lord, offers members such interactive features as online faith healing, a cyber confessional, and even electronic G-mail® for sending messages to and from God. (Internet address: To log on to the service, members dial into PiousNet's Great O' Database, or GOD, located in the basement of the Vatican. Upon connection, users browse the service via a point-and-click graphical interface called Messiah.®
CompufessSays Ministry televangelist, Randall Sinclair Prescott: "Whether you inhaled a controlled substance, embezzled money from your employer, or poisoned your neighbor's barking dog, now you need not burn in hell. Compufess gives sinners religious freedom to atone as many times as necessary -- all from the privacy of their own home." And, he adds, "All for the miraculously low price of just $2.99 per confession. Remember, `Thou art a holy man who doth not squander the fruits of his labor, JOB, 15:37'".
"Simply enter your sins into the computer like this,"demonstrated a
service rep, typing the words, `Bless me Father, for I have sinned ...
I've had unchaste urges for my wife's brother.' God then analyzes your
dirty deeds and computes the appropriate penance in seconds -- be it 100
Hail Marys, Acts of Contrition, or Glory Bes."
PrayerAssistRecently, some beta testers experienced problems with computer viruses, maliciously uploaded to the service by atheist hackers. Customer Service points out, however, that garbled text which often appears on screen is not a glitch, but rather, the system speaking in tongues. All PrayerAssist callers are encouraged to make a donation to ensure results.
Reverend Prescott prays for his detractors. "May you one day become enlightened by the Lord's phosphorescent glow. Log on to PiousNet's ChapelChat® and witness a hallowed alternative to your blasphemous bulletin boards of fornication and sin." Despite the naysayers, many investors look favorably upon the endeavor. "With the incredible growth of Prodigy, America Online, and Compuserve, I see great opportunity for niche services like PiousNet," says Mort Greenblatt, an industry analyst at Merrill Lynch. "They have successfully identified a gullible, albeit economically desirable market." In fact, the word on Wall Street is that major players like Time Warner and Bell Atlantic are anxious to acquire a stake in the upstart. As for the service's long-term plans, Prescott says, "PiousNet is destined to be the gateway to the next Great Awakening. By the year 2000," he predicts, "it will be installed in every school and trailer home in America." Whether the Ministry ever realizes its virtual dreams, only God knows.
To subscribe call 1-800-PIOUSNET.
All fees are tax-deductible. Available for both Mac and IBM-compatible PCs.
"PiousNet" is a registered trademark of the Reverend Randall Sinclair
Prescott's Ministry of Faith. © 1995. All rights reserved.
This article originally appeared in Manhattan File
Copyright © 1996 Mitch Lemus